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Charter/Spot Flights
Height: 1,145mm
Width: 1,320mm
Depth: 1,860mm
Maximum load: 350kg
We will do our best to meet your requests, whether you need to send a package at short notice, deliver a gift or surprise for a loved one, or whatever else you need!
Individual shops and companies are welcome to contact us!
As a general rule, only one staff member will visit you.
Please help me load and unload my luggage.
We can also accommodate requests from two staff members ( an additional fee of ¥4,950 will be charged for each staff member) .
If you have difficulty finding a parking space along the way and need to use paid parking, you will be asked to pay the actual cost.
We will handle your items with the utmost care, but please make sure to pack and protect them properly beforehand. If you entrust us with your order, please consult with us in advance and we will make the necessary preparations.
Charter/spot flights (example)
On the day
Depart from our base (fees start from here)
We will store your luggage at your desired location.
Delivery and reporting to the designated location
Completed (payment is completed up to this point)
Pricing example
(1 car charter, up to 3 hours)
¥6,600 (tax included)
An additional fee of ¥2,200 will be charged for each additional hour .
Prices vary depending on the amount of cargo, distance, and travel time, so please feel free to contact us.
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